Bayburt was once an important center on the ancient Silk Route in Anatolia and it was visited by Marco Polo and Turkish excursionist Evliya celebi. Xenophan wrote in his book of Anabasis that the city was an Iskit city called as Gymnias. It was a big and prosperous town in Asia Minor.
The history of the city dates as far back to 3000 BC. It’s also known that it was founded by the Azzi tribe, than Cimmerians passed thru in the 8th century BC. Meds and Persians were other invaders and settlers of the region. In the 2nd century BC Bayburt was annexed to Pontian Kingdom and than to the Roman Empire who restored Bayburt Castle which was originally built by Urartus. Between 8th and 9th centuries it constantly changed hands between Emevis and Byzantines, and than finally Seljuks and Ottomans.
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